50 Years of Operation

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Pre Production airframe P13/98+02 was the first to have the modified taileron leading edge profile which has a noticeable kink.



Pre Production airframe P15/XZ631 was the first to have the production rear fuselage and a fin mounted fuel tank.

Pre Production airframe P16/98+03 was later to become the prototype for the ECR.

CodeCountryFirst FlightComments
PS11/98+01Germany05/02/77Friedrich 'Fred' Rammensee/Kurt Schreiber
PS12/XZ630Britain14/03/77Tim Ferguson/Roy Kenwood
PS13/98+02Germany10/01/78Fritz Soos/Rainer Henke
PS14/MM7001Italy26/03/79Manlio Quarantelli/Egidio Nappi
PS15/XZ631Britain24/11/78Jerry Lee/Jim Evans
PS16/98+03Germany26/03/79Armin Krauthann/Fritz Eckert