50 Years of Operation

Home Surviving Airframes Germany Italy Oman Saudi Arabia United Kingdom Batch Data Production/Production List.pdf


The new production list is a new attempt a creating a full production list from a lot of sources. I have produced this list in an attempt to capture the history whilst it is available.

I would appreciate it if you use this list you credit this site.

These tables contain many years of research and may (will !!) contain errors. If you spot any obvious mistakes or have any additional data please forward it and I will add it to the tables.

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1: I am aware of some discrepancies, particularly in the production list which I am in the process of resolving.
2: The GR.4(B) designation is used purely to identify an upgraded GR.1B.
3: Orange shaded entry denotes airframe that has been withdrawn from use.
4: Red shaded entry denotes an airframe lost through an accident or crash.