1553 or 1553B Databus | The MIL-STD-1553B databus is a military standard communications system that allows the transfer of data between units coupled on a shared communications path(databus). The systems on the bus can be electrically isolated. The bus runs at 1Mbps and utilises a 16 bit word, although a total of 20 bits are utilised to perform error checking. The system is controlled by a box called the Bus Controller of which there must always be one. The bus controller can communicate with a maximum of 31 units on the bus. |
A |
A&AEE | Aeroplane & Armament Experimental Establishment |
AAIS | Approach Aid Interface Unit |
AAO | Air to Air Override |
AAR | Air to Air Refuelling |
ABCV | Air Bleed Control Valve |
ACMI | Air Combat Manoeuvring Instrumentation |
ADC | Air Data Computer |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finding |
ADI | Attitude Direction Indicator |
ADR | Accident Data Recorder |
ADV | Air Defence Variant, also known as F.2 and F.3 |
ADVSMT | Air Defence Variant Software Maintenance team |
AEW | Airborne Early Warning |
AFDS | Automatic Flight Director System |
AFVG | Anglo French Variable Geometry |
AGE | Aerospace Ground Equipment |
AICS | Air Intake Control System |
ALARM | Air Launched Anti Radiation Missile |
ALFENS | Automated Low Flying and Flight Planning Enquiry & Notification System |
AMI | Aeronautica Militare Italiana |
AMRAAM | Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile |
ANIS | Automatic Navigation Intercept System |
AOA | Angle of Attack |
AOB | Angle of Bank |
AOTD | Active Optical Detector Unit |
AP3207 | RAF Flight Safety Manual |
AP | Air Publication |
APU | Auxiliary Power Unit |
AROP | Air to Air Refuelling Operations Order |
ARTF | Alkali Removable Temporary Finish (allegedly!) |
ASF | Aircraft Servicing Flight |
ASM | Air Systems Master |
ASP | Aircraft Servicing Platform |
ASR | Air Staff Requirement |
ASRAAM | Advanced Short Range Air to Air Missile |
ASU | Antenna Switching Unit |
ATE | Automatic Test Equipment |
ATF | Automatic Terrain Following |
ATM | Air Tasking Message |
ATS | Automatic Test Station |
ATTG | Automated Tactical Target Graphic |
B |
BAC | British Aircraft Corporation |
BAE | British Aerospace, a 42½ % shareholder in Panavia |
BASOV | Bleed Air Shut Off Valve |
BCV | Brake Control Valve |
BDA | Battle Damage Assessment |
BDM | Basic Defensive Manoeuvring |
Be | Beryllium |
BITE | Built In Test Equipment |
BOSS | Bomb On Station Switch |
BRSL | Bomb Release Safety Lock |
BTC | Bus Tie Connector |
BTH | Beyond The Horizon |
BTRU | Barostatic Time Release Unit |
BTTDFU | Breech Type Time Delay Firing Unit |
BVR | Beyond Visual Range |
C |
CAP | Combat Air Patrol |
CASOM | Conventionally Armed Stand Off Missile |
CAU | Cold Air Unit |
C-BITE | Continuous Built in Test Equipment |
CBLS | Carrier Bomb Light Store |
CCE | Communications Control Equipment |
CCIL | Continuously Computed Impact Line |
CCS | Communication Control System |
CDMT | Central Design and Management Team |
CEC | Command Ejection Controller |
CGAFCV | Cabin Ground Airflow Control Valve |
CGI | Chief Ground Instructor |
CHE | Combined Heat Exchanger |
CI | Chief Instructor |
CJIU | Canopy Jettison Initiator Unit |
CLP | Common Loading Point |
CLS | Computer Loading System |
C-MIST | Cottesmore Meteorological Information System |
CMP | Central Maintenance Panel |
CPCV | Cabin Pressure Control Valve |
CPGS | Cassette Preparation Ground Station |
CPSU | Central Power Supply Unit |
CRMD | Combined Radar and Projected Map Display |
CRPMD | Combined Radar Projected Map Display |
CSAS | Command Stability Augmentation System |
CSDE | Central Servicing Development Establishment |
CSG | Computer Symbol Generator |
CSU | Combined Service Unit |
CTI | Competent to Instruct |
CVR | Cockpit Voice Recorder |
CWP | Central Warning Panel |
CWS | Central Warning System |
D |
DACT | Dissimilar Air Combat Training |
DASS | Defensive Aids Subsystem |
DAU | Data Acquisition Unit |
DDVR | Digital Data Voice Recorder |
DECLASS | Declassification Program |
DECU | Digital Engine Control Unit |
DEL | Direct Electrical Link |
DERA | Defence Evaluation and Research Agency |
DFCS | Digital Flight Control System |
DH | Direct Hit |
DINS | Digital Inertial Navigation System |
DLGS | Data Link Ground Station |
DMEA | Defect Mode and Effect Analysis |
DMPI | Desired Mean Point(s) of Impact |
DPI | Differential Pressure Indicator |
DPU | Data Processing Unit |
DTS | Digital Terrain System |
DU | Display Unit |
DVS | Demodulated Video Signal |
E |
EBW | Electron Beam Welding |
ECC | Equipment Compartment Conditioning |
ECM | Electronic Counter Measures |
ECCM | Electronic Counter Counter Measures |
ECR (EKA) | Electronic Combat Reconnaissance |
ECS | Environmental Control System |
EGTP | External Ground Test Program |
EHDD | Enhanced/Electronic Head Down Display |
EHP | Electro-Hydraulic Pump |
EHT | Extra High Tension |
EIAW | Enhanced Imagery Analysis Workstation |
EJ | Emergency Jettison |
EKA(ECR) | Elektronische Kampffuhrung und Aufklarung |
ELP | Electro-Luminescent Panel |
EPS | Emergency Power System |
EPSC | Electrical Power System Control |
ERAV | Emergency Ram Air Valve |
ERU | Ejector Release Unit |
ESM | Electronic Support Measures |
ESOV | Ejector Shut Off Valve |
ESRRD | E-Scope Radar Repeater Display |
ESSC | Engineering Supply Sub Committee |
EUCARF | European Central Airspace Facility Ramstein |
EUMS | Engine Utilisation Management System |
EW | Electronic Warfare |
F |
FADEC | Full Authority Digital Engine Control |
FBW | Fly By Wire |
FCOC | Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler |
FCS | Flight Control System |
FEBA | Forward Edge of Battle Area |
FF | Fixed Frequency |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transform |
FH | Flying Hours |
FJ | Fast Jet |
FLIR | Forward Looking Infra Red |
FLOT | Forward Line of Own Troops |
FMICW | Frequency Modulated Interrupted Continuous Wave |
FMS | Fuel Management System |
FOD | Foreign Object Damage |
FRP | Flight Refuelling Probe |
FSCL | Fire Support Coordination Line |
FSDU | Flap Slat Drive Unit |
G |
GCI | Ground Controlled Intercept |
GCS | Generator Control Switch |
GCU | Generator Control Unit |
GLD | Ground Laser Designator |
GMPMD | Ground Mapping ??? |
GMP | Ground Maintenance Program |
GMR | Ground Mapping Radar |
GPC | Ground Power Contactor |
GPCU | Ground Power Contactor Unit |
GPLU | Ground Program Loading Unit |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GPU | Ground Power Unit |
GPWS | Ground Proximity Warning System |
GRE | Ground Replay Equipment |
GTF | Ground Test Facility |
GTLS | Gaseous Tritium Light Source |
H |
HACQ | HUD Acquisition |
HAS | Hardened Aircraft Shelter |
HC | Hand Controller |
HDD | Head Down Display |
HDERU | Heavy Duty Ejector Release Unit |
HDU | Hose Drum Unit |
HE | High Explosive |
HEI | High Explosive Incendiary |
HF | High Frequency |
HISL | High Intensity Strobe Lights |
HJ | Home on Jam |
HLL | High Lift Lever |
HLWSCU | High Lift Wing Sweep Control Unit |
HOTAS | Hands On Throttle And Stick |
HPRU | Harness Power Retraction Unit |
HRI | Heading Repeater Indicator |
HUD | Heads Up Display |
Hydrazine | Monofuel N2H4 |
I |
I Band | Radar Frequencies, 8 - 10 GHz |
I BITE | Interruptive Built in Test Equipment |
IA | Imagery Analyst |
IAW | Imagery Analysis Workstation |
ICCS | Integrated Command and Control System |
ICW | Interrupted Continuous Wave |
IDG | Integrated Drive Generator |
IDS | Interdictor Strike, also known as GR.1/GR.4 and sub variants. |
IFF | Identification, Friend or Foe |
IFREP | Inflight Report |
IFTC | Initial Flying Training Clearance |
IFU | Interface Unit |
ILS | Instrument Landing System |
IMWIB | Inboard Missile Weapon Interface Box |
IN | Inertial Navigator |
INS | Inertial Navigation System |
IP | Initial Point |
IPS | Interim Planning System |
IR | Infra Red |
IRLS | Infra Red Line Scan |
IRST | Infra Red Search and Track System |
ISD | In Service Date |
ISMF | In Service Maintenance Facility |
IST | International Software Team |
J |
J Band | Radar Frequencies, 10 - 20GHz |
JaboG | Jagdbombengeschwader, Fighter/Bomber Wing |
JENGO | Junior Engineering Officer |
JTIDS | Joint Tactical Information Distribution System |
L |
LANCE | Line Algorithm for Navigation in a Combat Environment |
LCU | Laser Control Unit |
LDERU | Light Duty Ejector Release Unit |
LEU | Laser Electronics Unit |
LFA | Low Flying Area |
LGB | Laser Guided Bomb |
LIFS | Laser Interface Unit |
LINS | Laser Inertial Navigation System |
LLTI | Long Lead Time Items |
LMTR | Laser Marked Target Receiver |
LOA | Line of Attack |
LOX | Liquid Oxygen |
LRMTS | Laser Ranging Marked Target Seeker |
LRU | Line Replaceable Unit |
LVPS | Low Voltage Power Supply |
M |
MACE | Minimum Area Crutchless Ejector |
MBB | Messerschmitt-Bőlkow-Blohm |
MBC | Main Beam Clutter |
MC | Main Computer |
MCSS | Main Computer Sub System |
MCST | Main Computer Self Test |
MD | Manoeuvre Demand |
MDC | Miniature Detonating Cord |
MECU | Mechanical Engine Control Unit |
MEGTF | Mid Life Upgrade Enhanced Ground Test Facility |
MEPU | Mono Fuel Emergency Power Unit |
MEZ | Missile Engagement Zone |
MFD | Multi Function Display |
MFG | Marinefliergeschwader, Naval Air Wing |
MIFU | Missile Interface Unit |
MLG | Main Landing Gear |
MMH/FH | Maintenance Man Hours per Flying Hour |
MMS | Missile Management System |
MOD | Ministry of Defence |
MoU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MPU | Missile Programming Unit |
MRA-75 | Multi Role Aircraft for 1975 |
MRCA | Multi Role Combat Aircraft |
MRG | Multiple Range Gate |
MSDS | Marconi Space & Defence Systems |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failures |
MTU | Motor and Turbo Union (Motoren und Turbo Union) |
MWOD | Multiple Word of Day |
N |
NAMMA | NATO MRCA Management Agency |
NAMMO | NATO MRCA Management Organisation |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation |
NAU | Normal Acceleration Unit |
Nd | Neodymium |
NEFMA | NATO EFA Development Production and Logistics Management Agency |
NETMA | NATO EF2000 and TORNADO Development Production and Logistics Management Agency |
NHC | Navigators Hand control |
NIS | NATO Identification System |
NLG | Nose Landing Gear |
NMP | Navigation Mode Panel |
NRV | Non Return Valve |
NSAS | Nosewheel Steering Augmentation System |
NSS | Navigation Sub System |
NVG | Night Vision Goggles |
NWCP | Navigator's Weapons Control Panel |
NWS | Nose Wheel Steering |
O |
OCAMS | On-Board Check Out & Monitoring System |
OCU | Operational Conversion Unit |
OEO | Operational Equipment Objective |
OER | Operational Equipment Requirement |
OFP | Operational Flight Program |
OLP | Outer Loop Feedback |
OR | Operational Requirement |
OSB | One Shot Battery |
OTC | Official Test Centre |
OTF | On Top Fix |
OTH | Over The Horizon |
P |
PANAVIA | Panavia Aircraft Gmbh the operating company set up to manage the Tornado project. |
PAR | Precision Approach Radar |
PCM | Peripheral Control Module |
PDR | Performance and Design Requirement |
PDU | Pylon Decoder Unit |
PEC | Personal Equipment Connector |
PFCS | Primary Flying Control System |
PFM | Pre Flight Message |
PGU | Pitch Gyro Unit |
PHU | Pilot Hand Control |
PHUD | Pilot's Head Up Display |
PI | Photographic Interpreter |
PIM | Pure Inertial Mode |
PIRATE | Passive Infra Red Airborne Tracking Equipment |
PMD | Projected Map Display |
PMFD | Pilot's Multi Function Display |
POI | Point of Interest |
PPS | Pitch Plane Scan |
PRF | Pulse Repetition Frequency |
PRFSS | Portable Radio Frequency Signal Source |
PRV | Pressure Reducing Valve |
PWCP | Pilot's Weapons Control Panel |
Q |
QECU | Quick Engine Change Unit |
QRA | Quick Reaction Alert |
R |
RAM | Radar Absorbent Material |
RAT | Ram Air Turbine |
RAZ | Radar Acquisition Zone |
RDE | Rapid Data Entry |
RDP | Radar Data Processor |
RDU | Refrigerated Detector Unit |
RFODS | Rear Fuselage Overheat Detection System |
RHWR | Radar Homing Warning Receiver |
RIC | Reconnaissance Interpretation Centre |
RMS | Reconnaissance Management System |
RPMD | Radar Projected Map Display |
RWR | Rear Warning Radar |
RWSS | Radar Weapon Sub System |
S |
SA | Situational Awareness |
SACS | Secondary Attitude and Compass System |
SAD | Safety Arming Device |
SAHR | Secondary Attitude and Heading Reference |
SAM | Surface to Air Missile |
SAR | Search And Rescue |
SBC | Single Board Computer |
SDR | System Design Responsibility |
SEAD | Suppression of Enemy Air Defences |
SENGO | Senior Engineering Officer |
SEP | Specific Excess Power |
SFCS | Secondary Flying Control System |
SHE | Secondary Heat Exchanger |
SIAT | Senior Instructor Aircrew Training |
SIP | Structural Improvement Program |
SIRV | Safety & Inward Release Valve |
SJ | Selective Jettison |
SL | Serial Links |
SLC | Side Lobe Clutter |
SLIR | Side Looking Infra Red |
SMS | Store Management System |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SPEM | Strong Point Externally Mounted |
SPILS | Spin Prevention Incidence Limiting System |
SPRV | System Pressure Relief Valve |
SPS | Secondary Power System |
SSII | Special Serial Input Interface |
SSL | Scanner Serial Links |
SSOI | Special Serial Output Interface |
STANAG | Standard NATO Agreement |
STTE | Special to Type Equipment |
SUMS | Structural Utilisation Management System |
T |
TACAN | Tactical Air Navigation |
TACEVAL | Tactical Evaluation |
TAMPA | Tornado Advanced Mission Planning Aid |
TASF | Tornado Aircraft Servicing Flight |
TBC | Tactical Booking Centre |
TBO | Time Between Overhauls |
TCEDIT | Tornado Command Engineering and
Development Investigation Team |
TCSI | Tornado Combined Safety Investigation |
TDA | Temporary Danger Area |
Time Division Multiple Access |
TED | Tactical Evaluation Display |
TFR | Terrain Following Radar |
TI | Texas Instruments |
TIALD | Thermal Imaging Airborne Laser Designator |
TIARA | Tornado Integrated Avionics Research Aircraft |
TIRRS | Tornado Infra Red Reconnaissance System |
TISMT | Tornado Inservice Maintenance Team |
Tornado Ground Servicing School |
TOCU | Tornado Operational Conversion Unit |
TOD | Time of Day |
TOEU | Tornado Operational Evaluation Unit |
T/R | Transmitter/Receiver |
TRD | Towed Radar Decoy |
TREF | Transportable Reconnaissance Exploitation Facility |
TRST | Tornado Reconnaissance Systems Trainer |
TRU | Transformer Rectifier Unit |
TSC | Tornado Steering Committee |
TST | Time Sensitive Targeting |
TTT | Tornado Tiger Team |
TTTE | Tri-national Tornado Training Establishment |
TTU | Triplex Transducer Unit |
TWCU | Tornado Weapons Conversion Unit |
TWOD | Training Word of Day |
TWS | Track While Scan |
TWT | Travelling Wave Tube |
U |
UETF | Uninstalled Engine Test Facility |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency |
UKADGE | United Kingdom Air Defence Ground Environment |
UKLF | United Kingdom Low Flying |
UKVG | United Kingdom Variable Geometry |
UOR | Urgent Operational Requirement |
V |
VG | Variable Geometry |
VOS | Voice Operated Switch |
VRS | Video Recording System |
Vx | Velocity Along Heading |
Vy | Velocity Across Heading |
Vz | Vertical Velocity |
W |
WaKo | Waffenausbildungs Kommando |
WAMS | Weapons Aiming Mode Selector |
WOD | Word of Day |
WOW | Weight on Wheels |
WP | Warsaw Pact |
WPU | Weapon Programming Unit |
WSL | Wing Sweep Lever |
WSO | Weapons System Operator |
WSS | Wing Sweep System |
Y |
YAG | Yttrium Aluminium Garnet |